When all anxieties cease

“Our faith determines our experience in the unlimited power of God”
…Revd. Oniya
“It is a life of life to the man his desire are met”
…buf akpan (derived form Prov. 13:12)
“I believe the reason man has problem and experience pain is because of our ability to think when it’s not well used”
…buf akpan
Sometimes God is agonizingly slow in solving the problems we bring to his notice but I have never seen a man that has ever received his request from God in a rush and ever appreciated it, uh-oh!
Someone is asking if it is because we should appreciate what we receive from God that He sometimes prefers we face trials before we receive anything from Him?” The answer is NO, but what I passionately believe is that God wants each and everyone of us to get to that level where we place all our trust on Him and that’s when all anxiety cease because we have reasons to be relaxed when we are conscious of the fact that He’s is control even though many do not get to know who they really are until they encounter a set back।My life is an example of those set of पीपुल.
i staarted Speakingpeace publication that now have access is over ten thousand people across the world during my worst nightmare. Just at the time I thought I was the worst God has ever created was when people kept on calling to tell me my one page news, letter has been a blessing to them, like someone said to me just a day before that he keeps those news letter in a special file and reads them often and often to receive encouragement even though encouragement is from God, it comes through a medium. Someone (Carol) dropped this comments to my blog: “Great insight. My best friend passed away leaving behind a two year old daughter. God is the source of hope for us all... Thank you for writing it so beautifully...”. To even think that I have over two thousand subscribers of which some have decided to be seeking for my counsel whenever they want to take a step and some of them often encourage me time after time is enough to cease all anxieties.
I believe now, that when someone knows where he/she is heading, there is no need for a rush. Many wants to kill themselves on the work or dream that has been committed to their hands by God Himself and I know that nobody will be sent on an errand without being giving the necessary things needed to accomplish the same but when we tend to want to move faster than the one that counted us worthy to commit the same into our hands, then pain and suffering is inevitable. I have told myself several times that Speakingpeace is not about me but about Jesus who is the prince of peace Himself and why will I be presenting myself to know better than Him or the step to be taking. He knows all I need to publish and speak peace and if actually He committed the same into my hands, then he has to make the necessary provision to reach out to the people. He will lead us to, without mixing things up because He has a better vision.
Beloved, the major purpose of this thought is to let you know with God, you can pass through your most difficult moment with ease. Am not among those that will promise a life without trials, it isn’t biblical but we can live everyday of our lives in peace, with ease depending on your awareness on the way God operates, which enables you to still put on a smiling face even in difficult period, which in turns give glory to God because reasons will be made available to you to praise God.
Am only interested in the need to believe the best is available to you no matter how terrible things become, a life of peace is worth living, a life without anxiety is worth living always giving glory to the Source of all things and people will keep asking why you still find reasons to be joyful even in the midst of troubles and the secret of this is when we all learn how to show gratitude to our Maker.
Wallaced D. Watlless have a better way he described it;
“The whole process of a mental readjustment and atonement can be summed up in one word, gratitude.”
He also put it in another lovely way;
“It is easy to understand that the nearer we live to theSsource of wealth, the more wealth we shall receive: and it is easy also to understand that the soul that is always grateful lives in closer touch with God than the one which never looks to him in thankful acknowledgment”.
He continued by also saying that;
“Gratitude alone can keep you looking towards the All, and prevent you from falling into the error of thinking of the supply as limited; and to do that would be fatal to your hopes”,
He also said that; “the grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best, therefore it tends to become the best, it takes the form or character of the best, and will receive the best and give the best”.
I believe when some of us listing to peoples testimony, we will even be asking for forgiveness from God because we realize He has been faithful to us. Let’s learn how to hold on to God at all times without any doubts because His deliverance is never too late. Anxiety can cease only when we know God has the best for us. You can become someone’s hero of faith by the life you decide to live from this day on and the real fact and the truth is that, it is until all anxieties cease that God moves more on our behalf because it encourages trust and helps Strengthens our Faith.
Remember that “the labour of the righteous leads to life”. Proverbs 10:16a
Finally, if you should loose anything in the quest for survival, let it be yourself, loose yourself into greatness, loose yourself into immortality by putting off mortality in your mind that will automatically influence your attitude. Loose your cynicism. Loose your doubts to faith in God which becomes grater than fate. Loose your unbelief. Empty your day of search for security; fill them with passion for service. Empty hours of the ambition for recognition that produces frustration, but fill them with the aspiration for achievement that only gives glory to God. Empty your moment of need for entertainment, and above, loose your anxiety that will set you free like the wind, the moon and the sun.
I love you, but the Lord loves you more than I do.
Yours at-all-times.
Buf Akpan