“I think am part of the school of thought that strongly believes what an individual believe determines how far he/she will go” …buf akpan
Many are just passive, while many will move in whatever they know will encourage life: many prefer writing down how they lived their lives immediately it is confirmed their days are numbered, while others (few) will write down how they will live their lives if given additional five years in what the doctor says but they sometimes seem to be wrong having had faith in God and I want to ask: do these people who sometimes hold unto God kin’ of gamble with the fact or God just decide to let them down?
Hmmm! A prominent man some few years ago born into a Christian home once had his faith in God and while his twin brother was sick, he prayed, fasted and believed his brother whom he loved so much will be saved from death by the prayer of the saints but the opposite was the case as his brother stopped breathing and became one of those due for six feet below in flesh and because of this, he lost faith in all things and died in the belief that God is far from being real.
Even though many have tried and attempted answering this question which exists almost in the heart of all men, they only end up adding more to the confusion many find themselves in. Yet, God is not the author of confusion but He just decides to be silent in some things while sometimes, He speaks but because we are carried away viewing things the way we are and not the way they really are.
The way things are
Our imaginations can only comprehend what we’ve been exposed to, but there are a lot more greater things we can attain if we believe;
“By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen”…Heb 11:3
That’s why I believe there’s something beyond fate and that’s faith. Many only decide to believe what the doctor has to say and too many times they easily give up on life. Am not an advocate of stupidity but I know what you decide to hold on to determines how long you can dominate and live a fulfilled life even with the evidence of difficulties until you see your desired result.
Recently I was sharing with my friend how I held unto God’s word for a particular area of my life for nine years until what I believed came to pass. The very first year I never knew the result will be seen at the ninth year, but I knew for sure God’s word can never fail even if I fail.
At a point in my life I saw my self as an epitome of poverty, lack, rejection and dejection but I can today say that God is faithful without been sorry to anyone, I can preach about the knowledge that God is constantly sitting on the case of anyone that depends on Him at all times (My last article really focused in this direction of total dependence on God).
At this point I can confidently say that often times, many that finds disappointment in God only decide to give up too soon to fear rather than facing the challenge or the possibility of His Faith changing their situation, not knowing they have nothing to lose if they try to believe they could actually become a reference to someone somewhere who might find him/herself in their present situation, therefore setting themselves up for disappointment because of their expectation.
So, what life depends on you? Just wait one more day for your deliverance will come.
I believe so much in you. I love you but the Lord loves you more than I do.
Yours at-all-times.
buf akpan