Someone once told me that the darkest hours are few hours just before dawn…
Often times, we find ourselves in situations where we think its too bad to hope for a change. People carry around heavy hearts while trying to figure out situations that seem impossible to solve. The question is; can there ever be a situation that won’t pass away?
We tend to say: I’m so caught up in this messy situation that I don’t know if I’ll be able to get out. I’ve gone around in search of a solution, I even try looking for a way to avoid facing it from time to time but it keeps hanging right over my head. And sometimes to worsen matters, everyone seems to be singing the same song.
While trying to tend to my own heavy heart just few days ago, I was told of a lady whose father passed away just three (3) days to her wedding and she’s torn between simply putting off her guest and well wishers while she tends to her wounded heart or smile to the world like its all right while her father lays fresh at the morgue.
What testimony is in the heart of a young lady who fails her final exams and lost her mom to leukemia at the same time? Yet she has to face the reality of picking up the responsibility of bringing up and catering for her young siblings.
While planning a condolence visit to her, her Pastor said to a friend, “the church will have to support and encourage her more now” while in his heart, he’s thinking of how he’s been trecking to church for meetings and still has to arrange transportation for members who can’t afford it just to make sure they have no hindrance to attending church meetings.
Thinking of how to encourage this people, I discovered I could only come up with tears and these words “its dark everywhere, hmm”
Reflecting on those words later, I concluded that the darkness is not a period that can be wished away but it is one that comes to everyone. While some people hide behind sleep or cringe away in fear of what comes with the darkness, others look beyond the darkness and prepare for the morning light which is sure to come. (Psalm 30:5). Morning may serve to remind some people of their troubles and it may bring to you hope for a change, but I have good new for you, you can determine what the morning brings to you.
Keep in mind that darkness (dark skies) can mean two things:- Its nighttime and a new day is soon to break or its time for rain and the harvesting season is near. Here’s the crux of it; the thicker the darkness, the closer the sawn and the darker the cloud is, the heavier the rain and the more bountiful the harvest.
Even though I really don’t know anything, I do know that; there is One so faithful enough to see you through; He will give a meaning to your present situation.
I Love you but the Lord loves you more than I do.
Yours at-all-times
Buf Akpan