Through Me

“My definition of success is choosing a lifestyle that makes the people around you feel safe, secured, and certain that success is guaranteed in the midst of tons of mistakes”
….buf akpan
Why will Jesus give up His life that I might return to God?
Does this mean God is in the business of restoring relationships by introducing the concept of forgiveness, showing that through His death, shedding His pure and precious blood for unworthy set of people?
He is the One the woman with the issue of blood touched and the flow ceased in a moment.
He is the One most of us call when we need a quick fix and somehow our prayers are answered.
He is the One with the water/wine solution; creating situations and making things work out for our good. Most times we receive understanding at the long run.
Can I say at this point that it takes just one man to change lives? People don’t know who they really are until there’s someone to lead and guide them, sometimes not through direct contact.
Which of these people have you ever had direct contact with; Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr. Shakespeare, James Dobson (my mentor), Matthew Ashimolowo , Miles Monroe, Steve Parks, Anthony Robins, Bill Clinton, Mell Gibson, Gbade Ogunlana, Shola Kolade, Taiwo Adeyemi, Peter Druker, Epictetus, Harry Kahne, Bob Alonge, Panam Percy Paul …….?
Some are still around whom you stand the chance to meet, that is if you are yet to, some are no longer around, but they all have something in common: they’ve been able to help us and are still holding us up, committing their lives to us and those that will lend their ears to what they have to say…
The most beautiful part of this is just that you can be part of anyone’s list of instructors, leaders, mentor,guardian, or someone that can be looked up to. It starts with your willingness or choosing to be there for someone…
My life has been all about Him. I can say that at this point, my heart keeps longing for Him each passing day.
Daily we are surrounded by people who God wants to show how much He loves through us, only to give up on these people who so much yearn for the love of their Maker…
How many more will you shut out?
How many more will mean nothing to you?
How many more will cry in their closet because you closed up on them?
Love is more than some sort of feeling that lasts when things only appear great and you meet up to some set of standards. While we were yet proud, rude, making so many mistakes, doing the wrong things based on the level of our understanding, long before we were conceived, He decided to give up His beautiful and promising life for us. Because he loves us he gave (love in this context implies always giving without caution or expectation)
Some people might never understand God’s love because you did not have the heart to tolerate or help them up when they were down. I discovered it is not so much of a hard work loving those God wants to show love through me, but a decision that ushers in great grace. It might at least show or lead them to the point of survival or at least, it could get them somewhere: through me, through you—God can show His pure and uncompromising love to people.
It’s been three (3) long hours, trying to put this piece together with someone in mind. I know it will help. The whole idea is because I believe in you, yet I seem lost sometime even though it is my passion to encourage someone. I just cannot understand…but “cannot understand” wins trophies, wins games, passes exams, becomes famous, gets the best of family and most times fulfills God’s promises and purpose. So even if I cannot understand or see or know you, I know your Father. How? He is my Father too and just now He said: “they that put their trust in the Lord shall not be put to shame”.
May be you should wait another day for His provision and deliverance.
When you don’t understand but follow God with obedience like Abraham did and Sarah decided to risk her future, committing it to a man that sounded confused without even a clear sense of direction.
I think she believed in something because, I am yet to see anyone, who can breath without hope. Who can move, give, laugh or smile, love without hope…
Some will rather back out through divorce or say “you can go, I will stay” but Sarah did not give up on her love, she did not shut him out of her life nor did she close her heart to him, she believed in him instead.
You should be there for someone, don’t you think so?
For me, I love you but the Lord loves you more than I do.
Yours at-all-times.
Buf Akpan
What does it really take to take charge of your life, and get to that point where you are in total agreement with faith, becoming more joyful in life? If you look at those who have already achieved this goal you will discover that sometimes all you need is to be patient with yourself and you just might want to pick up a copy of EXPECTATIONS ONLY DISAPOINTS by Buf Akpan at