Faith for success is an effective driving force. So is fear of failure. Believing you can make it is actually what makes the difference. …buf akpan
Regardless of whoever you are talking to, dealing with, you might feel some level of fear. Choke that feeling down. Hold it inside, never let any one sense it. Concentrate on your goal and objective for the year, not on your uncertainties. To take charge of the year, you have to defeat fear and insecurities. Trust me you have what it takes to be the best this year.
You cannot convince me that Baba Adeboye was never at any point in his life fearful or Bishop Oyedepo was never at any point scared of failing.
What I do know is that, even Bill Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter and as far back as you want to go have all been scared and sometimes terrified. You just have to go ahead and do what you think you should do towards attaining the success you desire in faith.
As you progress or try to gain balance, people will try to keep you down by judging you, sometimes you do not make good decisions and you can’t even figure out what you are doing. You must know that people judge others based on their standards. These standards are results of so many factors: background, culture, experience, age, values of transaction…. Life appears differently to people depending on timing, circumstances, penalty level and who is talking to who.
People are not always cautious when they judge you. They believe, once you do certain things or do not play by certain rules they are used to, then you are violating the norms. This they believe poses lots of questions on your integrity. But the truth is:
How normal are the norms?
Who established the norms?
To what directions are the norms leading you; fear, faith, condemnation or contradictions?
President Theodore Roosevelt said: it is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of the deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spend himself in a worthy cause; who, at best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.
Sometimes people verbalize as fact what they think, and if you defer on their idea, you just might be labeled a “compromise” – but you must understand that no one is living for you but they expect you to use their lives as a prototype for excelling while doing what you know how to do best.
You will not do yourself any good if you fold in at every single word of criticism this year. You have a different and unique life. That is why you are you, in that environment, with those parents, with that man/woman, African, Indian, Spanish, Briton, or American, in that location you find yourself. Your worries are not so good. They are not testifying of the Lord’s goodness.
Sometimes even in churches all you hear the pastors emphasize is death, accident, retrenchment, and all the misfortunes last year had to offer. Even though the church has a lot to do in getting fear out of the people, what you must however realize is the facts that, the pastor can only take you to the level of information he possesses. Don’t let it shock you that you might be above his/her level of understanding in your own field.
The truth is that, only you have the power to be where you desire. God is always for you, not against you.
Always remember this: people will only have reasons to believe in you if truly you believe in yourself. No one was born with self doubt, we learnt it. If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? My answer? Rebuild ! (this is the gospel according to Buf). So remove every self-doubt the environment; the news, the failure, mistakes, setbacks, have instilled into you.
Only believe in faith through trust in God ALMIGHTY.
We love you but the Lord loves you more than we do.