We Love Our Lives

Looking back is causing me to laugh. Forever, God has done what I can't but laugh for in our lives. I am a product of His love. I am a product of His mercy and a concept of His second chance. I am an example of God's extension of grace to humanity. Though, it took me a great deal to trust in His Love. Some times I ask myself; has He really forgiven me? I couldn't even hold back tears when I saw His love in action in my life, family and relationship. Indeed I am not where I used to be; just this time last year I did not have a pattern of beauty but I am convinced today we are living for a purpose, His purpose, not just for our lives but through us as an extension of His goodness through the words of PEACE.
He gave us victory in every area of our lives, even in battles we knew nothing about; what can I say when the AUTHOR of life HIMSELF cares so much about us. His presence is awesome and the feeling is so deep. I can't explain the beauty of His Majesty.
Hey, just as there are evidences of what you might decide to call short comings in my life, the feeling of His provision and ability is even stronger.
I can say now that for every life He is LORD over can never know any shame. Someone said, "you don't have any idea of what i am going through". You know the truth? I don't. I am not you; I don't have your body. Your sense of feeling is your body, but I can tell you that, the pain in your heart, your pattern of thoughts and beliefs can only hurt or give you a sense of freedom. How beautiful can it even get, to know Jesus actually feels what you are going through? He knows the difficulties and the definitions you give to what is happening around you, the heart breaks, the disappointments only appear in your mind, for nothing has any meaning or name until you give it one. Some times people; doctors, lawyers, employers, husbands or wife, friends, family members might even say it is over for you. What they are saying is just that we have reasoned these things out based on our experiences, knowledge and understanding inductively, it is not possible but that's just where faith starts. The end of Inductive reasoning as intelligent as it might sound is the beginning of the power of faith.
Can you change Delay to Something Better is Coming?
Can you change Failures to Steps to Perfection?
Can you change Limitation to Platform to raise you up?
Can you change Mistakes to that is Not How to do it?
Those who chose words we use as standards of definitions in the dictionary you carry around were/are humans whose mouth will stink if they don't brush. They even gave meanings based on yesterday's light, exposure or understanding. I think it's not logical to use 1949's or 1825's definition of a situation or words to judge myself or what do you think?
His mercies are new every morning. How many angels will say Holy, Holy, Holy or Amen: Blessings, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God forever and ever. Amen (Rev. 7:12) if there is nothing new about HIM?
I have decided to choose to believe, there is always something new about God every second. Here we operate from a changing world yet still living our lives based on two hundred (200) years age instructions. Isn't that an irony, yet we want a change. Even if nobody is willing to judge you based on who you stand to become, you should at least give yourself a break and begin to see yourself in the place of your desire.
What would you have done, if you are faced literarily with the red sea? Some of us are actually faced with one right now with no knowledge of solution. Just that ours is not called red sea, but we are intelligent enough to call it impossibilities.
You are so tired that you even lack words in your vocabulary to explain your own case that you think is peculiar. God and Moses had contrary opinions in this case. Moses said “....stand still and see the salvation of the Lord...." God said "...Why are you crying to me? Speak to the children of Israel that they go forward...." Ex 14:15
So, do you have a contrary opinion about your growth and success to what God actually sees? Your greatness, joy, success, prosperity and above all becoming a solution to humanity; after you have understudied your situation and can solve problems. You can understand and provide help for those in your present situation.
Can you identify the difference between a man/woman whose call or purpose in life is to be a Doctor and one whose parent forced to study medicine? There is always a way with the called....
Beloved, your understanding of this truth is the joy and aim of our Father. It is the secret of the beauty of your life.
We love our lives because God is that life....
We love you but the Lord loves you more than we do.
Yours at-all-times.
SpeakingPeace Family