What Do I Think About Myself?
"After a mistake, what you decide to do is the most important thing” …buf akpan
Thought are things, said Earl Nightingale. Sometimes in the twentieth century, neurosurgeon proved this statement true. When you can picture something precisely and in detail in your mind, you can bring it into reality…..
Who would I have been if my name was Tuesday? Hmmm, probably be after everyone called Monday...
What if I was called Bush or Clinton? May be I would have had the opportunity to control the most powerful army in the world.
What about Justin? May be the big star the ladies are dying to be with because of his present asset value. Hmm, does this mean some people will rather go for one's present value and commit the unknown future to the best INSURER; GOD..? A better today actually sounds tempting. Don’t you think so or who wan suffer…..? I will however sound a word of warning: God deals with us in different ways and in other not to miss out of His plan for us; we need to allow the process.
Linking back the thought with the name Mandela should actually be a good one but I don’t think I want to consider been a Mandela or I surely have to think about it very well, my God! This man spent over 20 years in the prison. Don't let me specify the exact number of years incase there is any mother trying to name her child after him. The truth? Am yet to see or hear anyone called by that name. We celebrate this African hero but will never want to even consider his path to success. Oh, someone said "no way".
Abram was changed to Abraham; father of many nations, yet he only saw a promised child in his entire lifetime He died fulfilled believing God will fulfill His words even after his death, of-course, after guaranteeing the promised child is married to a woman of good choice, a wife who had an understanding of the promise program.
My name is Uduak, meaning God's Will, a man with so much hurt yet, still praising God.
A man with many stories yet, still glorifying….
A man with many set backs yet, still willing…
A man with many contradictions yet, still holding on to God's promises in His word.
A man with many difficulties, yet, triumphing...
A man with much disappointment yet, still encouraging….
A man with so much rejection, yet, accepted...
He is so passionate about anything he has the conviction to do and so does he to the people around. Those he loves and adores. I know if you are so strongly and love with such a fervor that which you are convinced of, your complete mental dynamics work with a supercharged power. Its happened to me several times. But the question is: do any of these contradictions have anything to do with my name?
I have heard that most men of great success have or had at one point experienced challenges in their areas of success. Must it always be this way?
We are told 'this time' purifies and define the path we should take towards destiny (James 1:2-12). Probably be this is why Socrates said “the unexamined life is not worth living”.
If this is totally true, do our names actually push us to the paths of destiny or things just happen by chance? Even though I don't believe in chance I think we should leave that question to the theologians or someone who is ready to debate it till the cloud turns grey…Oya, it is your call oh! I have met many who were asked to change their names believing their set backs in life is associated to their names. Please don’t read me wrong; I am not saying don't act based on your conviction. I just don’t only believe, I know your view about who you see yourself to be irrespective of undesired situations has more to do with you living a fulfilling and successful life: Most people call themselves success yet, they are treading the path of failure based on what they have been made to believe.
Yesterday someone listened to me and all she could say was “Wow, can I be a friend, you are just multi-talented and intelligent” but I had at some point very recently been told….
I had attended an interview with this view of myself because I decided to dwell on that
thought. People can say or call you anything depending on their state of minds. Defining yourself based on people's states of minds is to be a leaf in the wind.
Jesus however, did not stop at "who do men say I am?" Men will never get the wisdom of your creation except those it is revealed to. It can be revealed to those who have a part to play in your call: but based on this principle; they can only be twelve out of five thousand, three out of twelve and one out of three; one with love, for love is the only reason we can still say Haba FATHER...
We believe your only reason of existing is to reach out for your success.
We love you but the Lord loves you more than we do.
Yours at-all-time.
Buf Akpan
Speap Family.