Your Place

It is yesterday’s wisdom that say, it’s better to be dead and be free of the troubles of this world when God has actually made you His presence to your generation. The question is, will you rather die to avoid the troubles of this world? If your answer to that question is no, then I believe you’ll agree with me that wisdom is obsolete and can no longer be considered a wise saying in our time and generation. The last three decades have been characterized by an unprecedented rate of accelerated change in almost all aspects of life: the world order economy, politics, computing, telecommunications, biotechnology, medicine, personal relationship, lifestyles, the way people spend their leisure time, establish and maintain relationships and how and where they work. Knowledge has seriously increased that it’s now working against us. Am sure you will readily understand what that means. But in the midst of these, where do you fit in, where do you find yourself?
The birth of Moses was preceded by a troubled people who grew from just a family to a great people. Ex 1: 8-14.
Pharaoh thought the only way to prevent the children of Israel from multiplying was to maltreat, kill or abuse them but little did he know that God was set to make them a great nation and no man was powerful enough to stop this from coming to pass. If he was wise, he would have probably borrowed some wisdom from Bill Clinton before carrying out his act. You know I won’t say more on that...
Then there went a man from the house of Levi who took to himself a woman of Levi, this woman conceived a son. Ex 2:1. This couple did not know that this son was given to solve the problem that was created by the new king who did not know Joseph. May be God revealed His plans to Moses’ parents, but I don’t have to bother my mind with that knowledge, it wouldn’t help my quest to do the will of God, but what I can say is that, that knowledge might not have been for them to have but for an appointed time to the relevant young man/ woman (Moses, Reuben, Seun, David, Chinasa, Clinton, Jonathan......forgive me if I didn’t mention your name). God might be speaking to you through the pressure or troubles in order to get your attention, just like He spoke to Moses in a burning bush that was not consumed. Ex 3:2.
Your birth might have been like that of Moses, maybe your dad met your mom without any obvious spiritual move, may be they were not even born again when they met or they are still not born again but you sure have a purpose to fulfill, a need you are the solution to. Life is far more than working in a good establishment, masters in England, getting married or building a house; when you attain that level there will always be the yearning for fulfillment.  Maybe you’ve even gotten to that level where you think you are definitely irrelevant or confused. Show me a great man who was never at anytime uncertain of where to turn, then I’ll give you Jesus Christ who even knew where he should be at age 12 without been told.
God waited on Moses day after day; the days he would go to school, learning from the best teachers in Egypt, the days he would hang out with friends, probably he clubbed, stole mama’s money but from time to time he would go out and see his real brethren. Then the desire to protect them arose and grew within him (the desire of purpose; what he was meant to do, the real reason for his birth, the reason God led his dad to his mom). He thought about ways to protect them until he killed one of the task masters. This single act led to the end of the part one of his training, soon the part two was to start but in a specific location, -the wilderness- not in the comfort of the palace anymore. No one will naturally choose the wilderness for Palace except he or she is lead or compelled; His obedience was established by the things he suffered (Heb 5:8, John 4:1). Have you been lead and resisting or because you cannot figure it out you’ve said “No” to that job, location, that man, that woman? The foolish things will always confound the wise; maybe you are wise?
At the end of the part one of Moses’ training, he was already 40 years; the part two however, took another 40 years. The suffering in Egypt was also not paused, but God waited on him (Moses). Everything seemed normal; sure he would have thought that was all life had to offer, places he will get to in life, people he will meet, lives he will touch; little did he know his adventure was just beginning and when God knew he was ready he appeared to him. Exo 3.
Beloved, there isn’t any set back for a child of God (Rom 8:28, Prov. 4:18), if you are not born again, please start from there. You’ve been set up to explore so great a treasure you cannot imagine, no matter the success or the shame you’ve experienced in your life, seek today’s wisdom; seek where you are meant to be, who He wants you to be.

I believe in you, I trust your Maker and I want to see you grow beyond this present level.

I love you but the Lord loves you more than i do.

Buf Akpan
For SPEAP Family.    

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