If You Don’t stay there you’ll love it

 When writing the story of your own life don’t let anyone else hold the pen. Be original, be honest and, most of all, stay true to yourself….Tyra Banks

What an  agony that accompanies a life christened useless? The frustration, the pains of playing it back to back in your head with voices and pictures repeating those words you’ll prefer rather not to hear, at least not from him, not from her; “he said to hell with my love”, “she took her car keys from me, is it because I lost my job? Tunde asked. “She looked me strait in the eyes and said am the worst man she ever met in her life. She even told a friend am clingy and needy.”…”I just have to walk out of his life before he drains me dry. Me ke! I won’t hurt myself or endure any situation loving anyone. There are far more successful young men that will come around if am single again”, she continued; “he’s a wonderful person though, but my destiny is not to help a man up”
 I don’t think there’s anyone that has never experienced any form of rejection, it comes naturally with progress in life. Your boss can decide to either be a thorn in your flesh, or yours can be what I described above. Beloved, I have come to realize situations like this goaded many great men and women to success or caused a change most of us are enjoying…blacks were consistently humiliated until Rosa Park said no; you can’t tell me you don’t know the story. God allows these things to happen coz we are in a world that needs desperate people with large heart, risk takers to cope with the ever changing challenges; we are presently creating a society that is afraid to put their heads above the parapet for fear of failing, even in marriage. Suddenly failure is an expensive crime, there is no longer such a thing as an accident and the best way to survive is to play safe. If you don’t swim you can’t be eaten by the shark, so they say, but you’ll remain at the seashores wandering where the diamonds are. Whoever became great playing safe? Life needs those that are potent enough to question or change the norms or where people have put them. The norms of today were the risk of yesterday, everybody can fly now coz the Wright brothers risked it. We have lights now because Edison decided to ignore his failures.
 Tomorrow generations’ survival depends solely on your ability to take that step. Fine, they’ve said you don’t have a future but what has your present state, environment or people got to do with where you can get to, people you can meet, solutions you can provide if you decide to start walking?
The west was the home of inventors but am sure you can readily agree this is gradually slipping away. They are no longer the fountain of knowledge. They became complacent; they forgot their root –God-. Wake up bro! Education is far more than what was handed over to us; may be until someone is bold enough to let us know the chemical combinations are no longer relevant, life is now developing resistance to the norms. We need to tackle failure or what is defined as success in another way to guarantee a desired change.

With my little experience in live, I have discovered success most time, thrive more in the face of discouragement, rejections, shame, pains, forgiveness, resistance not pleasures or comfort.

Can you imagine the rejection Joseph faced; first, he was thrown into a well without water, then Potiphar’s house (Gen 39)? But one truth is that only Joseph went through these stages. Why will God waste his time in training low and regular people? Joseph was destined to be great, none of his brothers was chosen for any generational assignment so to say. The point is, people become less of who they reject. The reason is simple; God is a righteous judge and when people’s action towards you is informed by the subconscious attitude of been better than you, God steps in and proves the fact that He makes men, not the environment or their words. So people remain ordinary when they focus on talking down others and give up on them. It takes a wise man to give you a chance to be great. Only the wise men saw the star of the boy Jesus in a manger (His lowest moment); only wise men will remain with you in your lowest moment.  

Please don’t stay where they placed you with their words and action, anyone who rejects you will someday turn back to you for help though, their pride might not let them but if they do, please help them without lauding it.

I love you but the Lord loves you more than I do.

Buf Akpan

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