It's so intriguing that God told the first man not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I thought it is a good thing to know the difference between good and evil so we can choose to do the right thing.
Was God hiding something from man?
Why will He not want man to eat of this tree?
And why will God combine the knowledge of good and evil in one tree?
This tells me God is not looking for good in us but Himself, hence the reason we tend to believe everything that looks good is God. The devil hides in situations that look good to deceive every insensitive individual, insensitive to how God does things. We are quick to judge, to cast the stone or let down the axe on anyone who does or speak contrary to our preconceived programed set of actions we have christened "good"
The very first man that lived in this reality was just too pure for the environment that God had to take him to Himself “Faith translated Enoch from this life and he was taken up into heaven! He never had to experience death; he just disappeared from this world because God promoted him. For before he was translated to the heavenly realm his life had become a pleasure to God”. Hebrews 11:5 (TPT)
The man Enoch looked at God for everything and not himself, a whole lot of times, we are quick to consult our understanding whenever we are in a tight fix or situations beyond simple or readily available solutions.
Let me explain this. Recently I needed to submit a document for my wife and because I thought I could not get it, my first response was, where do I get this? Then I called the friend helping out with the documentation and I said, there was no way I could get the document but her response got me thinking; she said, “edit the date of the one you have and send it like that” and I could not but wonder how many with this mindset.
We have so let the tree of the knowledge of good and evil eat deep into us that we no longer depend on the Holy Spirit for solution even as christians - Proverbs 3:5. Enoch was different in his generation, so was Noah and Lot. Lot had the nature because he grew up with Father Abraham and learnt only the path of faith (the tree of life) and so the bible recorded that his righteous soul was vexed “Yes, Lot was a righteous man who was tormented in his soul by the wickedness he saw and heard day after day.” (2 Peter 2:8) but his children and wife were not pure, hence, Lot ended up producing the Moabite and the Ammonites (Genesis 19:30-38).
Thus both the daughters of Lot were with child by their father. 37 The firstborn bore a son and called his name Moab; he is the father of the Moabites to this day. 38 And the younger, she also bore a son and called his name Ben-Ammi; he is the father of the people of Ammon to this day.
This again was a moment of doubt, they looked at their situations and felt there can never be a creative solution because they found themselves in a cave and decided to produce from what they knew. What they knew was as a product of what they have constantly fed from their environment, they didn’t know better. Verse 31 gave the origin of the problem they tried to solve from their “make up” “Now the firstborn said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man on the earth to come into us as is the custom of all the earth”.
Every situation of difficulties we experience presents to us two key options, one is pannick and create a solution and the other is to despise the difficulties presented to us and trust the creative power of God’s ability. What determines which direction or path we take immediately reveals what we have been fed over time. I recently told my wife that every disappointment we experience provides us another opportunity to grow in faith. Each moment brings stretching which might happen through tears or working up our hope from the point of disappointment while we look at every word God has ever said to us.
The period or dispensation we are, present the need for God’s intervention and we don’t need a prophet to let us see this need but what we do need from everyone sensitive in the spirit is to let us know that God is already selecting and gathering an assembly of people He has breath His Spirit in them, Elijah looked at God and said, i am the only one but God responded by letting him know He has indeed preserved Seven thousand to Himself (1 Kings 19:18). The only thing is that, do these “Seven thousand” in this dispensation know who they are or their roles.
Many of these individuals are currently subjected to fear therefore producing compromises because they have been subjected to the bundage of fear. The good news is that as we approach the time of manifestations, God is beginning to groom them in their wilderness of shortcomings, formed from the place of lack and birthing within them the desire to seek God.
This is where the act of faith becomes the foundation to manifesting the finest pure nature of our true selves, this is because only our faith in the Father of all has the potency to help us walk away from every present of the knowledge of good and evil. The desire to please God is the evidence that we have been christened not just to live in this reality but also to convey this mindset to help more cross into this very nature of life from death through how we live, speak, teach and by glueing our knees on the ground to birth many more like Paul said in Galatians 4:19, My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.
This is the secret to winning in a generation where everything God has been ejected from our knowledge institutions (our schools), not by engaging in argument as a means in trying to stop the agenda. We cannot win the arguments, the situation is designed to push the knowledge of God out of man but if every pure asset can carry the consciousness of the power we have to push back darkness, we will see kingdoms broken, policies aligning and our children seeking God without anyone preaching to them (Jeremiah 31:33-34).