“There is a constant battle between the fear of failure and the hope of success. Which party wins is a result of the choices we make.”

…buf akpan

“…….all the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change comes”

(job 14:14)

It is sometimes very difficult and out rightly unthinkable to believe that some situations can or will ever change. It becomes even more unimaginable when one cannot find a hiding place in the midst of association of experiences (i.e one is unable to find a comparism of their present situation in other individuals both past and present). At that point, you are simply alone in the world. A young believer going through this phase can easily go in search of other way around or the other path that can guarantee freedom from deadlines, anxiety, pain and disappointments. These seeds or siblings of trouble have caused many in times past to doubts the promised change and so they bow to pain and close their eyes in death, they bow to doubt and are robbed off of their glory. Many that remain in the battle with a fixed mind of an assured victory are loosing their grip on faith by the day.

Just few minute before I decided to pick up my pen and write this piece, I was caught up between two opinions and a thought dropped in my mind; “why not just put down that book and forget the Bible you are holding? Its not working out as you thought”. In other words, I was advised to give up my faith. Have you ever thought this way?

You should ask yourself, how come it took God about eighty (80) years to answer the cry of help when the children of Israel were afflicted in Egypt?

God watched and waited on Moses for forty years in Egypt and it took another forty years in the wilderness to prepare him and let him know that he was born to be the leader of a new nation (Ex 2,3 and 4).

My father has a love for plants, especially flowers and I have watched him nurture several little young plants to full bloom since I was but just a kid. Till this day, he still likes to plants and water flowers and enjoys seeing them flourish WITH TIME.

As a child, it had simply been about watching my father thrust fragile little plants in the earth and pouring water from time to time. Now, as an adult, I began to notice and consider the time and patience he puts into nurturing this things. It all began when he notices specie of plant that he doesn’t already have, he’d consider it for a while then ask the owner if he could break off a little part of the plants and then he’ll take it home and begin the process of nurturing. All the while I wondered what is he trying to do? Why can’t he just go to the nursery and buy a whole plant? But then, who would think of buying flowers when there was not enough to eat in the house. But inability to buy grown plants never altered my father’s passion for plants, he simply bred them on his own.

In short, I walked past those flowers day by day like every other familiar thing and it seemed the same but now I know that was simply because I never took my time to look deep into the soil, but one day, suddenly, I’d walk past the corridor where the plant always sat and there it is, full bloom, having it’s own roots and I hadn’t even noticed even though I’ve been in that same house all the while. Perhaps I was busy thinking of how to buy my father a plant from the nursery while a growth was taking place right under my nose.

Had I not been in this business of waiting myself, then it would have been easier to write on this subject of an awaited change, but we seem to be on the same boat.

I believe in change, because the word of God says it will come (Hab 2:3).

By way of testimony, let me share with you that my immediate younger brothers (twins- the last set of my parents eight (8) children) just graduated few weeks ago from a private university where they each pay a huge amount of money per session besides transportation and upkeeps. This with the fact that my family started out in one room apartment and we had countless days when there was no food to eat and mom even had to breastfeed these same Twins on an empty stomach. Today, we are all graduates. To God be the glory.

Don’t let your present state in life cloud your judgment of the future, because change is real. It just takes a process like every other thing (cooking, schooling, e.t.c) and always keep in mind the promise of God for they that wait upon him (Isaiah 40:31)

His word is living and powerful.

I love you but the Lord loves you more than I do.

Yours at-all-times

buf akpan (meet us at face book; search for SPF )


+2347026701087, +2348025480882

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